Friday, June 19, 2009

The Day-Glo Brothers

One of the bloggers I follow is Redneck Mother. Recently she announced on her blog that her husband, Chris Barton, wrote a children's book titled The Day-Glo Brothers. I wish my kids were still young enough to want one of these books because I think they would truly enjoy having a copy.

The book is the history of the two men who invented Day-Glo colors. I did not know how Day-Glo came about but it is a pretty big part of our every day life now. Day-Glo is pretty much the official color that attracts attention for safety, it's the chosen color from the 60's for black light posters and the color that many kids naturally gravitate to. The book is illustrated by Tony Persiani, a very talented artist with a rather impressive portfolio. Who wouldn't want a copy of that? Hmm, maybe I'll buy a copy just for me, cuz deep down inside I'm really still just a kid. A very geeky kid, but still a kid. Get a copy of the book for your kid.

Oh and add Redneck Mother to your google reader while you're at it.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oops! Long Time No Update

I've been pretty busy with PodCamp Ohio activities lately and that has kept me away from updating here. I did attend the Ohio Growth Summit last week as well as the Tweetup the night before. I had a chance to meet and talk to Chris Brogan who was one of the key note speakers for the summit. Unfortunately, I missed his talk because I had a job interview I needed to get to. Chris was thoughtful enough to let me do a brief video interview with him about PodCamp though. I will be posting it later today on the PodCamp Ohio website. I have a picture of me with Chris Brogan at the Tweetup on my phone but I am having troucle with my sync cable for my computer and will have to visit the sprint store today to see if I can get a replacement.

Speaking of phones, the new Palm Pre is out and I want one! If you are listening Palm, please send me one since I can't afford it. (See reference to job interview above to explain why)

If you follow me on Twitter, you will notice that I have changed my timezone and location to Tehran, Iran. Please don't freak out Mom. There is a reason for that. In Iran, several people are twittering about the events as they unfold. On Twitter, many of us have changed our location to help thwart the governments ability to search out the real Iranian twitters from others outside. They are risking their safety to try to get information out to us about what is happening. If you would like information about what is happening, there is a very good explanation of who the groups are and some of the details of what has been happening here. There are several groups of people setting up proxy servers to help hide the location of bloggers in Iran so that they may continue to get information out. To those tech savvy people: I salute you! What you are doing is important to the rest of the world.

I did get to spend time with my mother this past Saturday helping to weed the flower beds and again managed to get poison ivy. Right now it's just a small patch on one arm and hopefully, it will stay that way. We will see. Take care everyone. Hope to see some of you at PodCamp Ohio or at Ignite Columbus the night before!