Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Things I have Noticed Lately

As we get closer to election day and the polls continue to show that Barack Obama has a healthy enough lead to win, I have noticed some subtle changes in my neighborhood. I live in an area that is racially mixed with low and moderate income households. We are renters and homeowners here and most of the local jobs are low paying fast food or cashier jobs.

They are the kind of jobs that can wear down your spirit and over the past four years I have seen a look in the eyes of the people I interact with in these places. But something has changed lately. The people in my neighborhood hold their heads a little higher, their backs are a littler straighter. There is a spark in their eyes and I see it becuse they are making eye contact again and smiling.

I think it's Barack Obama, I think it is the possibility that change, real change is with in reach and I think it is pride. We are proud of Barack. We are proud that he has managed to stay a strong and steady voice in these last months of the campaign while his opponent has launched a nasty campaign of hate and rumors. Barack has lead the way for how our behavior should be during these final days. A shining example of what is good and right with America.

Keep the faith my friends and keep working as hard as you can for Barack to win. This election isn't over yet and when it finally is, we will look to Barack to lead the way for how we are going to really get busy and put things right again.

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